Do head lice jump?
No! Head lice do not jump or fly. They are good crawlers, however, and will readily move from one host to another.
Where do head lice come from?
Head lice come from other people who have head lice. Head lice are human parasites that have been in existence for tens of thousands of years. Dried up head lice and their eggs have been found on the hair of Egyptian mummies. They have adapted to be extremely good survivors.
Do pets get head lice?
No. Head lice cannot live on pets. Head lice can only live on human heads.
Do I have to treat everyone if only one person is found to have head lice?
It is very common for close family or friends of infested individuals to also have lice. It is suggested that you check everyone. You do not want to treat anyone who does not have head lice; however, we suggest you recheck everyone every few days for at least 10-15 days.
How do I treat my home?
Head lice are human parasites and require regular feedings of human blood to survive. Using fumigants or pesticide sprays in your home are unwarranted, and they pose environmental hazards. Vacuuming the carpet, washing sheets in hot water, throwing pillows into your dryer for 20-30 minutes, placing hair ties/hair brushes in a zip lock bag and place in the freezer for overnight or boil for 10-20 minutes should do the trick for you.
What are the symptoms of head lice?
Head lice are most commonly found on the scalp, behind the ears and near the neckline at the base of the head. Unless seen, symptoms of infestation are easy to miss: Tickling sensation or feeling something moves through the hair. An allergic reaction to the bites causes the itching. Viable eggs are usually located within 1/4 inch of the scalp. Eggs more than one-half an inch away from the scalp are usually not viable.
Who is at risk of getting head lice?
Everyone is at risk. If you have contact with an infected person, you can get them.
What are some steps I can take to help prevent and control the spread of head lice?
Avoid head to head contact such as during play, sleepovers or other activities at home, school, and elsewhere. Do not share, combs, brushes or towels used by an infested person. Do not share clothing such as hats, scarves, coats, hair ribbons or barrettes. Machine wash and dry clothing, bed linens, and other items that an infested person used or wore during the previous 2 days using a hot water laundry cycle and high heat drying cycle. Do not use fumigant sprays or fogs; they are not necessary to control head lice and can be toxic if inhaled or absorbed through the skin
How do I treat my home after an outbreak?
- The first line of defense is to wash linens, pillowcases, hats and clothes in very hot water that is at least 150F/66C for no less than 10 minutes. This is usually accomplished by washing these items in hot water and drying with high heat.
- There are many items that are not machine washable, but must also be treated. Again, isolation is the best method for dealing with these items, including stuffed animals, pillows, helmets or headphones. You should expect these items to be out of commission for up to 3 days. Items can also be placed in the dryer for 30 minutes.
- Thoroughly vacuum carpets, furniture, floors and cars.. After vacuuming the couch, you may place a sheet on it for laundering at the end of the day. If there are items you cannot wash you can bag them or put them in a room that you don't use for a few days to starve them. Removing their food source is a good way to prevent lice reinfestation.
- Boil hair brushes for 20 minutes, soak in rubbing alcohol, or put in a sealed bag for 2 weeks. Label all brushes so they are not shared. Do not share beds, pillows, or hats.
- Hair accessories can be boiled, soaked in rubbing alcohol for 20 minutes, or put in a sealed bag for 2 weeks, which gives the bugs time to die, and the eggs time to hatch and then die.